Thank you for your commitment to working or volunteering in St. John Brebeuf Parish. The safety of all children is of utmost importance. This page details our procedures for VIRTUS compliance.
All employees and volunteers who come into contact with children are required to complete registration for VIRTUS with the Archdiocese of Chicago. The requirements for compliance are directly related to the work you are doing. Your supervisor or sponsor will advise you of the requirements.
Compliance must be in place before you begin working or volunteering.
Commonly Used Forms -- Return all forms to the Parish Office
Some forms and trainings are frequently requested. If you have been asked for any of these, please click below to print out the form or to access the training. Return all signed forms or certificates of completion to the parish office so that your completion can be documented.
CANTS (Child Abuse Neglect Tracking System) - English
Archdiocese Standards of Behavior (formerly the Code of Conduct)
Archidiecezjalne standardy zachowania (Polski)
This may be done within your Virtus account (online) or on paper
MRT: Mandated Reporter Training - English. At end of training, print certificate and return a copy of it to the Parish Office AND return the completed CANTS 22 form.
CBC: This is the Criminal Background Check. It is done from within your Virtus account.
IMPORTANT: Return all forms to the Parish Office. The Virtus site administrator will submit forms for you and record your completion in the Virtus system.
Instructions and Links
The Archdiocese of Chicago Compliance Guidelines and Training Chart can be found here:
The chart includes online links in blue to each of the steps you must complete. Please note that your role determines which steps you need to complete, so it is important that you check with your supervisor or sponsor about what steps to take.
EMPLOYEES -- If you are a newly hired employee, your supervisor will talk with you about the steps you need to complete. Virtus compliance must be in place BEFORE you begin working in the parish, whether you work with children or not.
Please contact the VIRTUS Site Administrator, Zofia Mazurek, via email at or via phone at 847-966-8145 with any questions.
VOLUNTEERS -- If you plan to volunteer, please follow these steps. If you have questions or need assistance, please check with your ministry leader or sponsor.
1 -- Complete the St. John Brebeuf Volunteer/Employee Application for VIRTUS
2 -- Register for a VIRTUS account at
3 -- Within VIRTUS, register for an upcoming session of the "Protecting God's Children" Training. You may attend a session at any location or time you choose. It is very important that you sign in at the session, and that you keep a copy of the certificate you are given at the training.
4 -- Within VIRTUS, complete the Child Abuse & Neglect Tracking System (CANTS) form and return your signed copy to the parish office. We also have copies in the parish office if needed.
5 -- Within VIRTUS, complete the Code of Conduct for Church Personnel and return your signed declaration to the parish office. We also have copies in the parish office if needed.
6 -- Complete the background check
7 -- All Employees and Volunteers who work with children: Mandated Reporter Training and the CANTS 22 is required for all employees and volunteers who work with children: Mandated Reporter Training
8 -- Training Bulletins. You will need to complete training bulletins sent via email through your VIRTUS online account, and you will need to complete a new CANTS form each year. If your role changes, we will ask you to complete the Mandated Reporter Training if it is necessary. We check our reports regularly.
Thank you. If you need additional help or have questions, please contact Zofia Mazurek in the parish office, via email at, or via phone at 847-966-8145.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm