To volunteer or ask questions about any of these activities, please call the Parish Office at (847) 966-8145.
The ministry of Lector at St. John Brebeuf Parish carries the responsibility of “Proclaiming the Word of God” to the assembly at all parish worship services. Readers participate at Mass a minimum of once a month, as well as at special celebrations and religious services during Lent, Easter, and Christmas Time.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The parish has close to 100 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who assist at each Liturgical Celebration whether it is on a weekend or at daily morning Mass. They also serve on Holy Days of Obligation. Each minister serves, on average, twice a month. They are assigned to the weekend Mass of their choice after a short training session.
Ministers of Care
In our Gospels we proclaim a Lord who suffers with the suffering, who grieves with the grieving, who knows our isolation, our pain. As a minister of care, you will represent our parish community and bring Holy Communion to the sick of our parish, the homebound, and those in the hospital. Six training sessions are offered in the fall and the spring of each year.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the Priest on the altar with reverence, faithfulness and love. Their commitment is not only a duty, but a great honor, a genuine holy service. The ministry is open to all interested students, male or female, who have received the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist and are at the 4th grade level or above.
Polish Liturgical Ministry
We are looking for dedicated parishioners who would like to serve the community in a liturgical role at Masses in the Polish language: lector, cantor, musician, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion. With the exceptions of cantor and musicians, no previous experience is required. Training will be provided. A commitment of at least one to two weekend Masses per month is expected.
This is the group of men and women who act as greeters for all Masses and liturgical events at the parish. They also assist people to their seats, and distribute bulletins after Mass. At least one usher per Mass is trained in CPR.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 12 pm